From the web site the Civil War, Hogscald served as a campground and headquarters for Confederate Troops. One can easily see how the hidden valleys, caves and expansive rock bluffs afforded protection, while still providing the comforts of crystal clear water and abundant game. The scalding of hogs was such a popular task that the area was sometimes referred to as the "Confederate Kitchen", playing an important support role in nearby skirmishes and the
Battle of Pea Ridge. Most Hogscald locals were Southern sympathizers, and were more than willing to offer their support in favor of the Confederate cause.
One local tale tells of a group of Union soldiers who camped near Hogscald, and were quickly captured of a band of confederates numbering half their size. According to the oft-told story, a wagon was loaded with corn whiskey and driven near the Union encampment, knowing that it would likely be confiscated and (even more likely) consumed by the Union troops. Their bit of trickery paid off, and the inebriated Union boys were quickly captured with little difficulty. For the full story, see
Uncle Jap's Wiskey Coup.
Another local legend regales a story of two small bands of soldiers - one Union and one Confederate - camped at Hog Scald Hollow one winter during the Civil War, and how they held a temporary truce for Christmas, to cook and share their holiday feast. When the holiday had passed, they apparently went back to war.