Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bad Blogger,Bad Blogger!!!!!

I have been a very bad blogger.I have not posted in a month! I don't know where me time has went.I started a new job, then I did some training for the 2010 Census.(Please be nice to the Census worker knocking on your door, it might be me.)So the last few weeks has me going from one job to the next job, then home to do the paper work.When I am done with all that I am just brain dead.I get on line and go to Facebook and that is as for as I get.I just realized how much time I am wasting playing the dumb little games on Facebook. Am I the only one or are some of you doing the same thing. I have always sit down at the end of the day and hooked on a rug or needle felted or made something.But I have not done anything lately but zombie out on Facebook.

I am making a pledge right to stop the madness!!! and get back to blogging and most of all my ART. I miss you guys.Please say Hi when you are here.

Live Deeply and stop the madness,


Wanda said...

I had to laugh at your title! It cracked me up.
No wonder you need to zone out...
I think we all feel like that sometimes.
BTW I'm married to a banjo player too.

Gretel said...

Hello! I'm in a similar boat, (though not Facebooking) - not enough hours in the day!

Kim said...

Your post made me giggle. I don't spend alot of time on facebook but when I do, I get obsessed with Bejewelled Blitz!!

Traci W. said...

I was beginning to wonder when you would get back to the blog. I was going to give you a hard time about it the last time I talked to you, but I forgot. LOL Facebook is very addicting but so is blogging. I can't wait to show you the new sewing projects I'm working on. I think you will love it.

Your little sis,
Traci XD

Cathy G. said...

Glad to see a post! I see a lot of my friends and family members playing those games on Facebook. I never started and I'm glad I didn't! I prefer blogging and don't ever consider it a waste of time! Love all the friends I've made on here! They are such loyal readers and I appreciate how much time it takes for them to keep updating their blogs. You have a great blog! I would love to see you have more posts! Cathy G

Jasminmoon said...

Yes, Vicki, your a Bad Bad Blogger, but sounds like your very busy....I think you might need a break...I know of a hook in about 3 weeks that you might think about going to....:)

I'll be calling soon to see what I can do to help....