Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Back.....Did You Miss Me?

Sorry I have been away so long.Life got in the way, but I am back and ready to show you some new things.But first,I have to say a BIG THANK YOU! to Joycee over at Granny Mountain for the Kreativ Blogger Award.

Here are the rules of this Kreativ Blogger Award.I must list 7 things about me that you may not know.This is going to be hard because I am a open book to most people that know me, but I will try.

1.I am very proud to be part Cherokee Indian(you would never know it by looking at me).

2.I am very shy( the people that know me will not believe that,be I work very hard on not letting it get the best of me)

3.I have to sisters and we are all very,very different.

4. I graduated in a class of 45 and 5 of us were redheads.

5.My first job was waiting tables at a little BBQ place.

6.I love to be outside.

7. I do not get hot.

Now here are the people I want to pass to award on to:

The Pickled Pepper Patch

Primitives by the Light of the Moon

Middle of Nowhere

The Cat in My Lap

Shabby Sheep

Primitive Bettys


Rules are to be broken...but here are the "official" rules of the Kreativ Blogger Award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.

2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.

3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.

4.Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.

5. Nominate 7 Kreatev Blogs.

6.Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.

7. Leave a comment on each.

Live Deeply,



Dana and Daisy said...

hello is this thing working?

Dana and Daisy said...

okay, the first time this did not go through.

Yes I missed you. No, you are not shy, I never heard of anyone who does not get hot, except maybe mermaids.

and I will do this just for you Vicki, just for you!

Gretel said...

Thank you very much, that is really kind - I am afraid I am taking a blog break due to illness/stress/tiredness, but I do appreciate it. :)