Dale Ann Bradley My Favorite Female Singer, Bluegrass or otherwise, Harrison Arkansas, August 15th, 2008. Dale Ann is the 2007 Female Vocalist of the Year for the IBMA. If you have never heard Dale Ann's singing, you should really search out her music, she is simply the best.

Were is Vicki when all this picking is going on?I find me a place with good light and I hook on a rug.If we are at a festival I get where I can see the show and I may not see Adam for hours.Am I a good wife or what?I am also taking all the pics.
Adam's looking like he's lost a lot of weight. But I think his beard tips the scales in the other direction! lol!
Maybe he's always been this thin and I just never noticed? It'd be hard to give cave tours with a spare tire around your belly!
When Andy plays cricket, I take my needlefelting...I think on the whole bluegrass is a little more tuneful than a cricket match - and I take all the photos too!
Have you ever heard a banjo play?I have never been to a cricket match but I think the banjo may be just as loud.hehe Love your work.
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