Today I woke up to a beautiful Morin in the Ozarks.It has cooled off some and will be a great day to be outdoors.As I drank my coffee I was watching my hummingbird feeder.I wish I could get a pic that would so how many we have fusing and fighting over that sweet water.I have to fill this feeder every day.I have never had so many birds before. I love watching this tiny little things. The male birds (red throat) are so bossy.I have counted as many as 20 trying to get their turn at the feeder.
If you stand on the point in front of our house and look away from the lake, this it what you will see.In the summer crazy people jump from this cliff.It about 60 feet to the water.I would like to say that I hate to see anyone jumping from the cliff.Two people hsve died doing that ,in the time I have lived here.
If you look close there is a cave under the right side.
Vicki, I found your blog quite by accident! I had no idea --- the area you live in is beautiful!! And I love your hummingbirds. When my parents were alive and living in Bella Vista, we used to sit on their deck and get buzzed by all of the hummingbirds coming to Mom's feeders. I love it because I didn't think we had any hummers in our area in Kansas. But lo and behold, last year, we found a hummer in our garage!
I'll make sure I bookmark your blog and come back again. I love to see your pictures.
Oh my! How beautiful you are truly blessed!
Vicki, this place looks like God's greatest work!! Like I said in my email, we'll be coming down to Eureka this weekend. Now I want to stay with you!!! We can get through all the introductions and all that nonsense. My hubby is a bass fisherman. I know we can't shop all day...not with this beautiful lake so close by.
Kasey spotted a lot of hummingbirds over at angler's grill the other day too.
I know a girl who broke her neck and survived that cliff jump. It's so dangerous. Like you, I wish people wouldn't do it. I wonder of there is a bear living in that cave? Or just bats?
No bears but sometimes there are bats. I have been down there a few times.I am looking for some other pics I have of the cliffs so I can and them here.
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