Day two was a full day. I can't remember what Nola called this, but I think it is very cool.I need to try it soon so I don't forget it.Are you like that? The older I get the more I have to repeat something to get it to stick in my head.
This is locker hooking.You can use any kind of fabric for it.I love the look of it and as soon as I find my hook/needle you use to do it I am going to try it.
Nola taught us so much.I know for me I will be trying some new things soon.Here the class is watching very closely.We did notwant to miss a thing.I hope some of the ladies will comment on what they did in class.
Meal time was a great time to get to know each other.Here is Charleen from Ar.,Karen from Mo,Anita from Ar, Sherri from Ok, and Nelda from Mo.And of course that is my food setting there waiting on me.I was head cook and bottle washer for the camp.Adam came in to do the alfredo sauce for pasta night. I think we all gained 5 pounds.

I can vouch for Carol. She brought me back to life after my felting class.
Hey, I didn't know Adam makes a killer alfredo! When do you want me to come over? ha ha!
Oh, the massage photo is giving me goose bumps. How I'd love to get a massage right this minute! And the food! Pictures like this make me hungry so I guess it's a good thing I'm getting ready to have breakfast.
Nola is such a talented and great teacher but if I ever have her again, I'm taking a video camera. Like you, Vicki, I forget too much before it sinks in.
Vicki~ I'm so glad you stopped by my blog or I wouldn't have found yours. Wow another hooker here in OKLA. I love all the rugs from the camp. I've never been to one now I'm drooling! Looks like you gals had lots of fun. Have you ever visited the shop in Moore, Ok. They have all kinds of hooking supplies as well as other prim crafts. I'm going to put you on my list of blogs to visit. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Ginger,I am from Okla. but I live just outside Eureka Springs Arkansas now.I have not been to the store in Moore yet but next time I am in Okla. I will look them up.If you we e-mail me your info I will put you on my list and keep you posted of all the rug hooking things we have here.
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