One of the things you will learn about me if you ever see me out and about is that I always have something to work on with me. We go to a lot of bluegrass pickings and as Adam picks his banjo I hook rugs or needle felt.The kind of hooking I do is called Primitive Rug Hooking.Wide cuts of wool are use to make rugs wall hangings and other things.I will tell you more about rug hooking later.
This is the rug I am working on right now.I like to start with a piece of fabric and just start drawing on it to see what it makes.
What could be better than rug hooking and bluegrass music.
The colors in your new rug are wonderful.
I hook at Saltbox Primitive Woolens in Warsaw with new owner Patty Wallace. Hope to meet you sometime, maybe at Eureka
Wow I love the colors....a fellow hooker did a very similar pattern in different colors.
email me & I will send a pic (if I still have it) LOL
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