This is me 2 years ago at the Ball. I wish you could see my hat and wings better.My daughter helped with my hair and makeup(which I never wear). I was wearing the prom dress I made her.I had on black wings and the hat was about a foot taller than you can see and it had a black veil.My daughter (the photographer) forgot to take pictures of me when we were all done.Adam did not even know me when he walked in the door.I was greeting people at the door as they came in the Crescent.
Plan a trip the Eureka for this event.You will have a great time.Oh! and BUY ART!!
I did not recognize you either Vicki!
YOu look great! scary but great scary in a good way ha ha!
see how easy it is for someone to take your photo right from your blog and put it on theirs?
ha ha! I linked you too!
p.s how hard was it sewing that lace?
does amber know how much you love her?
How did you do that?
The lace was not too hard, what was hard was finding a dress that a 17 year old likes when she was not a size 3.We both had a good cry at the mall, then we went to the fabric store.All her friends just loved her dress.
You can copy photos from the web to your desktop. Although it is kind of uh hum, illegal, when they are copyright protected. But I knew you wouldn't care if I did. Then I posted it right to my blog as I would any photo, and I made the text a link so it comes back to you.
I am learning so much working on this blog.
great costume, very gothic.
Hey there mom.. You look so cute in this photo.. And very sparkly!
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