Here you can see what it looks like from my booth on Sundays.My neighbors the Rozeboom move out on Saturday night so we can see the river.So to say the lest Sundays are not any good for sales.We people are walking down the row all they are looking at is the beautiful view and you can't blame them.

Just look at the view.Many people set and have their lunch there and watch the ducks.

I wanted to show you some of the wonderful dolls of the girls next door to me at this show(Sawdust Cabin).The first two are what I got from them this spring when I first meet them.They are made of sawdust clay.

This is a pincushion doll and she has red hair like me and is in green, my favorite color.She is all fabric and stuffed with sawdust.

Here you are looking at the biggest doll I have got from them.She is made of the sawdust clay.

Here is the back of her head. look at the red curls.

This is a black doll I got in the spring too. She is so ugly she is cute.Adam said only women think something can be so ugly it is cute and I said that men are very luck women feel that way or they would be in trouble.
your comment made me smile! how true.
the dolls are lovely, I have a soft spot for hand made dolls.
You are so right about the cute factor. How else could we love them when they come in all sweaty and dirty and hungry?
I'm glad you had a good weekend! Can't wait to see the bat finished!
Love, Dana
Vickie, I know you have already gotten this award and you are so kind to always mention my blog, but I have given you the "I love your blog" award at Cabin Chronicles. Scroll just past the American Dream post.
Love, Dana
I love them to .I am getting a good collection of hand made dolls.May I sould do a post on them sometime.
Dana, Thank you very much for your sweet words and the award.I have never got this award before.
See you soon,
Vicki.....just kicking myself that I didn't get down to the fair this year from St. Louis!! At least I feel like I got to see some of it through your blog!!
I love what you said about women loving "ugly cute"! Ha!! I have to tell you too ....when my hubby says one of my creations is ugly, I know it will be a hit!!
I know just what you mean about your hubby.Mine just shakes his head and looks at me like I have lost my mind.
That's the first time I've seen our spot without our booth set up in it. We really block the beautiful view don't we?
Glad you had great weather yet on Sunday. So much more fun to pack up in.
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