I spend this weekend working the the yard.Our yard is almost 2 acres and has been very wild and overgrown for as long as we have had this house.The time has come and a little help so....things are getting done.Here I am taking the grand babies big toys around to the back yard.Adam got a good laugh at this one.I love my little trailer.Last week you would not been able to see me through here.

When I would come up for a rest I also worked on so cinnamon sticks
Santas.I painted 185 of them.

Then I bundled then up and tied them with a wool bow.I am getting for the big craft show I do every year.War Eagle has been going for 51 years and I have been doing it here 14 of those years.People come from all over for this show.It is the 3rd weekend of Oct.

Now for a little input from Adam.He took this pic of a plant he is growing.It just started blooming and he wanted the play guess the flower with you.So....take a Guess?I will send a little gift to the first person that gets it right.
Looks like you have a red caboose on your train!
Santa Sticks are cute Vicki.
I am going to guess the flower is a variety of a rhododendron
Vicki, Love the cinnamon Santas!!! I think you've stumped me on the flower though...(I thought I was plant smart) I guess nicotiana or bromeliad.
Thanks girls.Dana, I had not thought of a red caboose(thats cute)
Not right on the flower yet.
Is it a pink trumpet vine?
did you get my email? about MHB?
No and yes.Working on it now.But,I may be one of the late ones.War Eagle Fair is the 16-19.But I will get it done.Just like a artist!
Good luck to you on your big craft show. I have friends from Oklahoma that attend...Wish I could go maybe next year!
Hey I just gave Bobbie my list, I put you down as committed but undecided as to what.
I also said I know it will be something wonderful!
But no pressure or anything.
Is it Witch Hazel? Just a guess out of the blue.
No, not Witch Hazel.
I'm stumped, but I'm going to send someone over to tell us what it is.
Looks like a Four-o-clock to me. Mine are blooming now.
(Dana's blog pal)
Thanks for stopping by.I have been on your blog before.
No,it is not a four-a-clock.
Those are cute that reminds me of something I wanted to do a while ago...putting it on the mile long to do list!
Thanks for help remembering!
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