Today at work at War Eagle Cavern I had to do little cleaning around the grounds.As I was walking, I come across this old jar and pop bottle.I thought they made a great picture.

We have had so much rain this year that we have all kinds of mushrooms.I wish I knew more about them to know their names.This was a cluster of very
round and puffy looking ones.

Here are some I could see from 50 feet or more.Very bright yellow.

This was a tiny,thin
stemmed mushroom.It
was about 1 1/2 ins.tall.

But, I think this was the
coolest one I found today.I would really like to know the name of this one.It was pure white and looked like it had petals like a rose.

This little guy was hiding at the base of a tree when I was picking up sticks that had fallen from the trees in the last storm.He was so cute.

I took a few pictures and then let him go.I don't know if I can handle any more work day like today.
Tomorrow I will start a class through ESSA with Eleanor Lux, on beading.I think I have everything ready so now I just need a good night sleep.I was hoping to take a class all year but this is the only time I could get off work.It is just a 3 day class and most of it is over the weekend.
Live Deeply,
Well, those top ones look like puffballs, which are edible (and yummy, sliced and fried in butter) IF they are picked when white and firm (never eat them if they are starting to go yellow inside) but I would double check that with a book.
Pure white toadstools tend to be 'nasties' - over here there is a species called Destroying Angel, which looks similar to yours and is one of the most poisonous to be found.
Worth getting a book if you have lots, fungi spotting is my favourite autumn hobby.
I have been planning to get a book because I would really like to know the edible ones.
The top mushroom is a puffball edible if there is not any green showing, ou will have to remove the skin, so-so in taste,
The yellow ones are a chantrelle, edible and does have a good taste ( I like to fry them with a little butter, good with eggs or in a mushroom gumbo, then to be sweet.
the tiny white one is like a LBM, (little brown mushroom, some tend to be hallucinogenic, usually best to ignore, we have the death angel and the destroying angel, beautiful white and deadly, they will have a bulb at the base, if you touch them wash your hands ASAP!) It is best to ignore anything with a bulb at the base.
the next picture is a Indian Pipe, lovely looking can be in white or brown, not a mushroom, really a flower.)
Always remember that if you do not know what a mushroom is leave it allow, take pictures. WE have an awesome array of edible mushroom. Take a class, better yet if you have a mycological society in your nearby area, join. You will learn a lot!
hope this helps.
Thanks for the help.I love the Indian Pipe.
oh it looks like a real bad day at the office! ha ha!
Your little lizard really looks like a miniature alligator. I don't have the guts to hold the little critters.
I never have been afraid of little crawly things.
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