Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ozark Folkways Fiber Show ...

Late Saturday way the Fiber Show at Ozark Folkways.I had a great time talking to the other fiber artist and the visitors.This is the 2nd year for the show and I know it will grow into a great show.This is Connie and she has been running the shop for may years now.She is a hooker like me.

This is one of the things in the show.There is $1500.00 in prize money for this show.You can go to westforkzephyr.com and read more about the show.
Here you can see a few more things in the show.

The back room was full of spinners and I spent a lot of time back there just watching.

Live Deeply and go play with some fiber.

1 comment:

WoolenSails said...

Looks like a great show with a variety of fiber crafts.
